If I recall correctly the FCC is going to have a bunch of spectrum available down in the lower part when the NDB stations are mandated to cease operation, what 200-500 KCy. All those airport approaches are supposed to switch to GPS approaches in the near future, 2012 sticks in my mind as the terminal year for NDB operation, but it may be a bit sooner.

In the meantime there is quite an active SWL group who monitor the NDB stations. They have a website for logging the reception of the stations and anyone can view the reception reports and log theirs.


In years past I maintained a couple of NDBs in the 200 range and they used short vertical antennas not over 25 ft. tall without radials. You should have seen the loading coils on those. Some stations had horizontal center fed antennas that were about the same height and under right conditions they could be heard many miles. The long range NDB covered out to about 300 miles reliably.

I wonder if anyone is pressing for some of that spectrum or are they going to save it for something stupid like BPL?


Our power limit so far on 600 meters is 20w ERP which can take a kilowatt to get as antenna efficiency is ha ha down there. But the little antennas do radiate and the signals go far with easy. Still plenty of room for big tube's. In the winter it only takes 25-35w output power to cover the whole lower 48 states with regular CW. Way further using QRSS of course. Rudy N7LF was seen in the South Pacific & Alaska. Summertime takes more power. EU CW may be possible this coming winter with the guys running larger tube amps as they get experience with the equipment and antennas. A 250TH was on my mind lately...


John Coleman wrote:
Cool deal but only 100 watts? And low antennas. What's with that? I guess just to experiment with but if they open it up to all, then 100 watts is
hardly worth the trouble for big glass and iron.


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