Much ado about nothing.

A group of Puerto Rican hams petitioned the FCC some time back to require voluntary examiners to make a Spanish version of the exams and question pools available. The FCC declined, pointing out that a rule change wasn't necessary, since volunteer examiners are already free to publish question pools in Spanish and give the exams in the Spanish language if they so desire.

ARRL asked the voluntary examination committee to come up with a Spanish translation of the current question pools so that examinations given in Spanish would be uniform nationwide. The VEC's declined to go to the trouble.

Ham radio examinations have been given in Spanish in Puerto Rico since the beginning of the voluntary examination program. I'm not sure if the FCC had a Spanish-language version when exams were FCC administered.

Puerto Rico has been a US possession ever since 1898 as an outcome of the Spanish-American war, and its amateurs are under FCC jurisdiction, but the native language of the people living in Puerto Rico is a dialect of Spanish, not English. Puerto Rican hams simply want to be able to take their ham radio exams in their native language, which they are already allowed to do.

This was NOT intended to be a proposal to make it mandatory for all ham radio exams in the US to be printed in both languages, as has been widely reported over the internet.

Q:  What do you call a person who speaks three languages?
A:  Trilingual.

Q:  What do you call a person who speaks two languages?
A:  Bilingual.

Q:  What do you call a person who speaks only one language?
A:  American.

Don, k4kyv
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