From: "kenw2dtc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

K9GOZ said:  "There is nothing in this amplifier to make it worth over

I totally disagree:  check the price of two TANGO X-10SF output
transformers. Then check the price of the chassis and wood work on the two

I might even admit that the pair of amps could be worth close to $1000 each, if those actually are top grade audio transformers of good engineering design. We hams have long been notorious for our niggardliness, and we have been further spoilt by abundant WW2 surplus, and flea market prices as old time hams who swallowed the appliance operator indoctrination in the 60's and 70's, sold off their vintage equipment for pennies on the dollar. I don't really look for "bargains" at places like Dayton any more, just hard-to-find items at reasonable, affordable prices.

But this audiophoolery has become ridiculous. I would say it was funny and the joke was on them (a phool and his money are soon parted), but these idiots with more money than brains have driven up the prices of broadcast quality audio transformers and most triode transmitting tubes far beyond what amateurs could afford to pay, for their intended use in a radio transmitter.

Don k4kyv
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