On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 9:41 AM, Bob Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree on QST and advertising advertising more then any one person can
>  stand but as far as great articles are concerned World Radio is doing a
>  great job with a newsprint type mag. They have interesting and well done
>  story's. I talked to the editor about an AM and BA Section. Her reply
>  was great lets do it... Well guess what folks it takes folks that want
>  to write. I am not a writer as can be seen here. If we have someone that
>  wants to step up and do a monthly they are very open to it..
>  This Mag is a low cost well done Magazine. I have been taking it for 3
>  years now and read it and its sister mag MILITARY cover to cover
>  monthly. Advertising is a big part of it but well done small company's
>  jthat can afford B&W Adds...
>  Bob W1PE
Hi Guys,

I just subscribed to this list a few weeks ago, and it is a great list!

AM is a fine mode, I work AM low power so probably won't talk to very
many of you, but I am on AM. Yes, my rigs now are solid state because
I am a QRP'er for a long time. I like tube rigs and have some and am
building several transmitters and one receiver as I can find parts.

One thing that the AM crowd needs to address is "fire-bottles" do not an
AM station make. They are great but lets face it. Most of the building is in
solid state designs AND even thru-the-hole parts are getting scarce. If AM
mode is going to stay alive and well, the mentality needs to change to welcome
builders, appliance operators, and any other Hams that get on the air with AM.
If there should be a column in "World Radio" then surely it would address some
new circuits that folks could build and get on the air running AM. Another thing
is that most AM radio builders have in their shack is test gear. The average
Ham does Not have that. The QRP radio builders have addressed this and
every year more and more Homebrew test gear gets presented.

IMHO the ARRL and FCC have pitted the AM, CW, SSB, PSK, etc operators
against each other with the bandwidth BS.

Thanks for reading........and now I feel better..................Grin!

73....Walter Dufrain - K5EST
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