I generally sit on my hands, but I'm feeling waggish so...

At 01:23 PM 4/24/2008, you wrote:
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Peter Markavage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And, after all these years, he's still the Director. Majority of the
>  voting members in your Division must still like his representation.

Which brings us back to the 20% membership of US licensed hams vs. 80%
not members +/-. Less a case of so many liking him as so few left to
vote for him.

A false premise. The same ratios roughly hold for the overall US electorate (I'm not talking only registered voters, I'm talking the eligible electorate). Given the premise made here, are we to assume that the large majority of the electorate that doesn't bother to vote feels the same way about? Imagine what could be done if everyone actually took the time and made the effort to make an informed electoral choice! The same applies to the ARRL. I find it difficult to sympathize with those complaining about something in which they refuse (despite eligibility) to participate.

>  The in depth technical minutia was all moved over to QEX back in the
>  80's. No reason to keep it in QST.

Could also be looked at as an additional expense which makes little
sense in a world of declining hams. If the ARRL is truly concerned
about being thrifty with the membership's dollars, wouldn't it make
sense to cut maybe half the junk out of QST and add some technical
content back into the publication that really started it all for them?

If you don't like the technical article content, write one and submit it. TAs (technical advisors) perform the "peer review" for submissions to all League publications. Are you a TA? Have you seen the nature of what gets submitted? I am, and I do.

>  Ads generate revenue to keep the business in the
>  black. Books sales generate revenue to keep the business in the black.
>  They have very few other options to generate revenue. Membership dues
>  helps, but it's noise in comparison to the other revenue generators.

I don't think anyone ever minded the ads so much as the overall lack
of content since the 80s, or '75'76 when they went to the larger

But, I keep hearing that "It's all those Yaecomwood ads that ruined QST." Or the vast, rice-box conspiracy to manipulate us into appliance operating zombies. Which is it?

>  Personally, I believe they've demonstrated support for all modes and
>  interests as best as one can given all the modes and interests that
>  prevail within the amateur radio fraternity.

Pick up any QST Pete, and compare the pages on, say....AM, or CW to
the pages of contest results. In reality, the ARRL doesn't openly
condemn other modes. More the 'benign neglect' approach mentioned a
while back by Don, K4KYV.

Hmmm... The same holds for PSK-31, or RTTY, or MFSK16, or (gasp!) slopbucket! Red herring, methinks.

>  Backing away, i.e. let some
>  other member put the "fire of enlightenment" upon them, and then I might
>  return, is not the answer.

Approximately 80% of the licensed amateur population appears to
disagree with that statement, Pete. That doesn't say a lot for the
organization that claims to represent the interests of US Amateurs.
It's not a matter of enlightening them, for the most part they've made
it clear that their minds are made up as to the path we all must

Again, the same ratios roughly hold for the US electorate. And again, a false premise. This shows that there are only a few eligible voters interested enough to actually make the effort to vote and that such characteristics hold for the small majority of voters that are also hams.

Don't get me wrong - I'd like nothing more than to have the ARRL
become a representative organization for us and see the contesters in
Newington replaced by more well-rounded hams.

Actually, in my experience, some of the most well-rounded hams are the contesters.

It shouldn't conflict
with their publishing business and could only help the overall picture
with increased revenues not only from dues, but additional book sales
and an overall vibrant organization (what a concept!). There's just no
way I can give my money to a group who's approach involves saying
'join if you want a voice, give me your money, so I can tell you how
wrong you are'.

I think that's an false characterization of the ARRL. Flawed as it is, it's all we have and we'd best make the best of it.

I'm not looking for an organization or publication to cater
specifically to my particular interest. Electric Radio does an
incredible job there. All I expect is equal and fair treatment, not
being ignored in favor of a segment that many see as creating
intentional interference and behavior that goes against the amateur
creed, sanctioned by the ARRL and rewarded through multiple pages of

With the phone band expansion, I simply do not believe that there is a lack of space on the bands. That some may have decided that they, by God! own a particular frequency because they've been there N decades is an argument without merit. There's plenty of space available, even on contest weekends.

>From the ARRL, 'back in the day':

"Considerate...never knowingly uses the air in such a way to lessen
the pleasure of others."

Sounds like any contesters you know?

As a mater of fact, yes. All contesters that I know are quite considerate. But they also recognize that no one owns a frequency and if they happen to land on someone's favorite Sunday morning roundtable frequency, well... first come, first served. Move the roundtable!

I know you enjoy stirring the pot on this subject Pete, but it's
pretty clear that the ARRL lost its way some time ago and has been
going downhill since.

I'm unconvinced of this assertion and hold, in fact that it is in general demonstrably false.

 Dismissing low membership as somehow being a
small piece of the pie doesn't excuse the behavior or downward spiral.

Hmmm... Given that this mirrors the overall electorate (and has for most of the last 100 years) what can you deduce from it?

Particularly since they're supposed to serve at the pleasure of the
membership. All 20%. But I guess when you're running a contest

If the remaining 80% really wants the League to do something different, and I mean *REALLY* wants a change, they effect that change in the bat of an eye. From my standpoint, just like most of the electorate, most hams couldn't care less.

Good luck in the corntest!

Thanks! See you in the logs :)

Kim Elmore, N5OP

P.S.: You want some real fun? Organize an AM-only contest!
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