Todd, are you near your phone ?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Todd, KA1KAQ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] Geez, ain't we all easily annoyed

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:19 AM, M. K. Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why do hams ALWAYS have to have a cow over EVERYTHING....

I'm not sure that they do, Mark. although here in VT, we were
outnumbered by cows not so long ago. The influx from the cities fixed
that, along with us natives...well...having more cows. They're good on
the grill.

Lighten up folks, it's a hobby!

Many of us who have been involved online with these things
(AM-specific) for, say - over a decade now, have seen this approach
before. We've seen the results, how pointless it is, and how the 'new
list' still needs to copy the old list when they have a real question.
We don't understand why anyone would bother with such an exercise in
futility, since together we are strongest. Not that it isn't your
God-given right to do so, because we support freedom too. As Jim
pointed out, this is nothing new. Consider it our good-natured way of
pointing it out.

BTW - I just posted some grainy shots of my BC transmitter over on
'fone, having finally gotten it powered up a few months back. These
two resources are, to me, the ideal: the email list for a
less-structured QSO type of format, often with a rapid turnaround on
questions (many folks tend to be online for email, not logged into the
site), and the AMfone site for the more granular sections, ability to
post and view photos, schematics, and so on as well as the wealth of
information covered by both. Almost like having a book to refer to
when you can't ask a question. Even the little bit over overlap
through duplication is handy, it's helped me see things in once place
I had missed in the other. I can never thank Brian and Gary enough for
putting this all together years ago from their initial individual

Hope that adds some clarity, Mark. Especially about those cows.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ  (o:
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