From ARRL Letter:


Earlier this month, IARY Region 1 held its triennial conference in
Cavtat, Croatia. Forty IARU Member Societies were present, with another
12 Member Societies represented via proxy. IARU Vice President Tim
Ellam, VE6SH, and IARU Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ, also attended the

Sunday, November 16, marked the opening of the five day conference that
was hosted by. Hrvatski Radioamaterski Savez (HRS), Croatia's IARU
Member Society <>. HRS President Kreso Kovarik,
9A5K, welcomed local and national officials and conferees. Kovarik said
he was pleased that that the IARU chose to have the 2008 conference in
Croatia, and expressed his view that this would be of great value to
Croatia and to the HRS.

Ellam spoke next, relaying greetings from IARU President Larry Price,
W4RA, who was unable to attend. Ellam took this opportunity to briefly
review the work done by IARU over recent years and said he "looked
forward to WRC 11." He thanked Region 1 and the HRS for their excellent
organizational arrangements for the conference. Region 1 President Ole
Garpestad, LA2RR, echoed Ellam's good wishes and noted that there were
50 delegations present for this conference, either in person or by

The conference was formally opened by Kreso Antonovic, Director of
Electronic Communications and Postal Service Directorate, Ministry of
Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Croatia. A postage stamp
commemorating the conference was unveiled at a recption for heads of
delegations and invited guests that followed.

One of the highlights of the conference was the election of new
officers. With 41 out of 49 votes cast, Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T,
of the Netherlands, was elected President. Mustapha Diop, 6W1KI, of
Senegal, was unanimously elected Vice President. Dennis Green, ZS4BS, of
South Africa, was elected Secretary and Andreas Thiemann, HB9JOE, of
Switzerland, was elected Treasurer. Rounding out the Region 1 Executive
Committee are Hani Raad, OD5TE, of Lebanon; Betty Magnon, F6IOC, of
France; Nikola Percin, 9A5W, of Croatia; Panayot Danev, LZ1US, of
Bulgaria, and Colin Thomas, G3PSM, of Great Britain.

In preparation for the expansion of 40 meters in Region 1 on March 29,
2009, the HF Committee debated a band plan to incorporate the change
from 7.000-7.100 to 7.000-7.200 MHz. The conference adopeted the
following plan:
* 7.000-7.025 MHz, CW, contest preferred (200 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.025-7.040 MHz, CQ, QRP Center of Activity to be 7.030 MHz (200 Hz
maximum bandwidth)
* 7.040-7.047 MHz, Narrow band modes (digimodes) (500 Hz maximum
* 7.047-7.050 MHz, Narrow band modes (digimodes, unattended
automatically controlled data stations) (500 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.050-7.053 MHz, All modes (digimodes, unattended automatically
controlled data stations) (2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.053-7.060 MHz, All modes (digimodes) (2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.060-7.100 MHz, All modes, digital voice 7070, SSB QRP Center of
Activity to be 7.090 MHz, SSB contest preferred (2700 Hz maximum
* 7.100-7.130 MHz, All modes, Region 1 Center of Activity to be 7.110
MHz (2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.130-7.200 MHz, All modes, SSB contest preferred, Image Center of
Activity to be 7.165 MHz (2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.175-7.200 MHz, All modes, priority for intercontinental operation
(2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)

The conference had an eye to both new and young radio amateurs.
Delegates agreed unanimously to recommend to Member Societies the
importance of the annual Jamboree on the Air and encouraged the
organizations to assist Scouts with the event. By doing so, the
delegates said, this will promote Amateur Radio to Scouts to where they
will get their Amateur Radio license and become active on the air.

The delegates also recommended that an additional category be introduced
to Amateur Radio contests "wherever possible." Details for the
"Youngsters and Newcomers" category will be left to individual contest
organizers to develop. Delegates also encouraged contest organizers to
replace signal strength reports required in contests with "some other
less predictable exchange, so as to enhance the skill requirements of
contest operators."

Delegates had three choices for the next conference: South Africa, Spain
or England. Sun City, South Africa was chosen as the venue for the 2011
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