Don posted:
"In preparation for the expansion of 40 meters in Region 1 on March 29,
2009, the HF Committee debated a band plan to incorporate the change
from 7.000-7.100 to 7.000-7.200 MHz. The conference adopeted the
following plan:
* 7.000-7.025 MHz, CW, contest preferred (200 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.025-7.040 MHz, CQ, QRP Center of Activity to be 7.030 MHz (200 Hz
maximum bandwidth)
* 7.040-7.047 MHz, Narrow band modes (digimodes) (500 Hz maximum
* 7.047-7.050 MHz, Narrow band modes (digimodes, unattended
automatically controlled data stations) (500 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.050-7.053 MHz, All modes (digimodes, unattended automatically
controlled data stations) (2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.053-7.060 MHz, All modes (digimodes) (2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.060-7.100 MHz, All modes, digital voice 7070, SSB QRP Center of
Activity to be 7.090 MHz, SSB contest preferred (2700 Hz maximum
* 7.100-7.130 MHz, All modes, Region 1 Center of Activity to be 7.110
MHz (2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.130-7.200 MHz, All modes, SSB contest preferred, Image Center of
Activity to be 7.165 MHz (2700 Hz maximum bandwidth)
* 7.175-7.200 MHz, All modes, priority for intercontinental operation
(2700 Hz maximum bandwidth"

Get ready for the same fiasco that we suffered last year. Notice not ANY 
mention of AM in their bandplan and a subsection for unattended operation. 
Even though this is a pretty minute portion of the band, I think it serves 
as a 'foot-in-the-door' type of mentality. I will give them some credit for 
suggesting a section of the band specifically for contests. I hate to think 
what the future holds instore for us here in Region 2. You know how they 
like to stick together.

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