Now this makes me wonder,

When posting on this board to provoke stimulation about SATCOMMS; It appears
that posts can be more stimulated over QSL cards or who's operating the
latest in Spam Radio Du-lux  than antennas or pre-amps or phasing harness'
or Polarity Switching or the latest in GAS-FET performance etc;.

OK,, I'll be more interested in that;... Now, Where's my QSL card from the
ISS that I sent away for,,, now was that last year or early this year;?
Maybe mines been held up by AMSAT -AUST or AMSATVK (cant figure out why??) I
can't seem to remember when I sent away for it, maybe I've been
concentrating on less important things like building projects to do with
Amateur Radio instead of buying everything off the shelf, or doing totally
nothing within an appointment which is becoming more apparent in Australia.
Put up, Shut up or get out, you know who I'm commenting too!!!

Frank VK5KV

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