----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Darin Cowan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 7:17 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Evidence of moon landings....!

> Which is more reasonable:
> 1. That a 40 year grand conspiracy involving literally thousands of people
> from multiple, antagonistic countries, could pull off and maintain the
> illusion that nobody has walked on the moon.  Recognizing that the Soviet
> Union and China both would have benefitted greatly for exposing such 
> fakery,
> and recognizing that the US government by itself - let alone all the other
> people, organizations, and governments that have a stake in it - can't 
> keep
> even a little secret like "I went to Argentina to get a piece on the 
> side".
> Recognizing all the photographs, the rocks, the satellites, the orbiters,
> the explosion of technology and so forth.  Recognizing that the 
> governments
> in question have been unable, in the same time period, to keep their 
> leaders
> from being shot at by simple lunatics, and that those governments haven't
> even been able to construct a convincing lie about WMD in the middle-east:
> something that really, everyone would believe with little effort?
> OR
> 2. That men have actually been on the moon as reported?
> The whole idea that the moon landings were faked is, quite simply,
> weapons-grade stupid.  It flies in the face of logic and reason.  No
> moon-conspiracy theorist has ever been able to produce a shred of evidence
> that anything has been faked... a task that should be INCREDIBLY easy 
> given
> the number of people that have to be involved to this day.  Scientists, on
> the other hand have produced photos, rocks, and mountains of other 
> evidence,
> not the least of which is the dozen people who have actually been there, a
> good many of which are still walking around.
> People who still tout this moon-landing-fake conspiracy are nutters, plain
> and simple.  There are many places I'd expect to find woo-woo conspiracy
> believers, but never on the AMSAT list.
> Can we please put this issue to bed and go back to satellites and radio 
> now.
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