Andrew...come back from a few days on "the boat" and here is this.

I have to tell you that this is either one of the most "hubris" filled missives 
I have read or you are suffering from a bad case of volunteer burnout (see last 
years Texas Monthly Bum steer issue where they go through the stages of 
burnout).  Maybe it is both of them...

As best I can tell your missive boils down to three categories.

1.  If someone ask questions or doesnt accept my answers on their face then 
they are being sarcastic or a troll or their question isnt legitimate.
2.  If I (or the rest of the volunteers) stop volunteering then the entire 
organization turns to crap.
3.  While we have had some bad things happen some due to serious errors...we 
alone have learned the lessons so we are invaluable.

You really should stop volunteering or even working for money because unless 
you are Barrack Obama (or George Bush before him) there are few jobs where 
almost everything one does is not picked apart" by the rest of the 
folks...particularly when one is underperforming.  (see Dick Cheney's response 
to no WMD).  My real job is testing the airplanes people like you sit back in 
comfort and ride in and I can assure you that during such an effort the 
"kibbitzing" from the audience is fairly high.  

If you are volunteering at an organization then you are doing it for the 
members of the organization and about the worst thing one can do, is minimize 
the input of those members.

As for there being no volunteers unless "you" (generic) do

When I left on my last assignment there was a guy at our church (lets call him 
Jim) who was the ultimate volunteer.  He started managing the coffee between 
sunday school and church and by the time I left a few years ago, he was doing 
everything from managing the Communion to the parking volunteers..he even had 
his own little office.  The line from everyone was "If Jim doesnt do it, who 

While I was gone we had a minister change and the new person tired pretty 
quickly of Jim...and pretty much reduced his role back to the "coffee stand".  
Jim quit even that.  Odd, there are other people who volunteer for every single 
duty and it actually runs a lot better because Jim was pretty much stifling new 

I've never got a straight answer from anyone as to how the Suitsat 2 deployment 
was missed and why.  I have friends in station ops at JSC...I'll bet you money 
that the effort got so complex that it just missed the dates.  I will find out! 
 I know even thinking that is trolling!


Robert WB5MZO

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