Robert WB5MZO, wrote:

>Are the people who are suppose to be the experts in building state of the
>satellites so thin skinned that a bulletin board
>slows their progress?  LOL

You missed my point entirely. The Amsat people who build the satellites mostly
don't have time to read Amsat-BB, so the thickness of their skin is not the
issue here. 

But Amsat-BB is not read only by Amsat members. Anyone who Google's "Amsat"
will find Amsat-BB very quickly. Negative and unprofessional comments on
Amsat-BB hurt our image as professional satellite builders and could quite
possibly kill our chance of finding our next ride to orbit. In the 1990's the
ESA management handed the president of Amsat-DL a pile of e-mail printouts
from Amsat-BB following the repeated launch delays on Phase 3D, it almost got
the satellite thrown off the Ariane 5 vehicle. With launches even harder to
find in today's world, we cannot allow such bickering to tarnish our image as
professionals who can be trusted not to screw up the mission. 

Dan Schultz N8FGV

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