Bob and Dan -

I sympathize with what you're saying and know you both have AMSAT's best 
interests at heart.  But unfortunately I don't see this exchange going in a 
positive direction.  

We all know this is not the first time somebody has come on this mailing list 
lacking a constructive motive.  It appears that, with such a person, it is a 
counter-productive to continue the exchange.  No matter what meaningful and 
accurate comments you might make, it will get twisted or otherwise 
re-interpreted in a negative fashion or in the light most favorable to an 
ulterior agenda.  This is *my opinion* as an AMSAT member and thus *not* 
something I will debate online, or in private for that matter.  Thus understand 
in advance ["Rocky"] why I will ignore any non-constructive responses to this 

I think we agree this list is a great thing for those wanting information, 
having bona fide questions, or wishing to offer a constructive opinion.  I will 
be happy to exchange messages with anybody who (in my opinion) is engaging in 
something positive or constructive.  

I would, however, recommend that those of us who have AMSAT's best interest at 
heart try something different to deal with negativism.   My suggestion is to 
attempt once (and only once) to steer things in a positive or constructive 
direction.  If that fails, simply state that you are not obligated to exchange 
messages with anybody you believe is not pursing a positive or constructive 
agenda.  Make it incumbent on the person making the objectionable comments to 
put things back in a positive direction if they wish to get any replies.

If everybody who has AMSAT's best interests at heart followed that, I think 
we'd have much better exchanges on this list.  Just a thought...

73, Ken N2WWD

-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert Bruninga <>
>Sent: Oct 20, 2009 12:22 PM
>To: 'Rocky Jones' <>,, 'Amsat BB' 
>Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: THE DMSP launch
>> so what?  We should never on the BB have 
>> differences with the direction that the 
>> satellite program is going?  YOu have to 
>> be kidding.
>No we are not..
>You clearly do not understand volunteerism in a highly techincal
>endeavor where "Those that can... DO" and "Those that can't"
>should contribute or GET OUT OF THE WAY.
>> The only comments I and others have raised 
>> or made have been completely professional.
>No, just incessant whining and no productive contribution.
>Either BUILD something, or contribute to those that are, or shut
>up and get out of the way.. (my personal opinion since I have NO
>position within AMSAT other than as a contributor where I can).
>> And fair questions deserve fair answers. 
>Yes, do some work instead of driviling... go develop some
>answers, and stop acting like a troll just wasting everyone's
>> what have I gotten back? 
>> "you are a  troll" 
>Yes, all of your posts seem to meet that definition perfectly...
>> Hope you are having a good morning.  
>I will when I can stop having to read your drivel every
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