Alan and Erich,

Thanks for the replies.  I really appreciate it.  It is good to know that
there is someone or some ones out there that are ready to help when asked.

So, if I read correctly, I should be able to use my KCT to tune the radio
along with the rotors.  With no other cables other than what the KCT has.
Right?  I will go back through the setup info and see if I can figure it

Also, I could bypass KCT and use a separate data cable to tune the radio
thru the serial port using a converter cable, RS-232 -> TTL.  But what about
the rotor?  Is there an interface schematic for that? That would require an
additional serial port?  Right?

Thanks for the help.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erich Eichmann [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:51 AM
To: Jim Bennett
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] SatPC32, Yaesu FT-736, and KCT

Hello Jim,
as Alan, VE4YZ, wrote already you can run the FT-736R with SatPC32 directly
at a serial port of the PC. You need a CAT interface for level conversion
RS-232 > TTL. In the sub folder KCT in the SatPC32 program folder you will
find a schematic of an interface that can easily be built by yourself.

You can run the FT-736R  also at one of the 2 serial ports of the KCT Tuner
(ports A and B).  The KCT can  be configured for TTL level (see the KCT
manual p. 15). So, you save a COM port and don't need an external CAT
interface for level conversion. You will find detailed instructions
regarding rotor AND CAT steering with the KCT in the file Readme(KCT).txt.
The text can be displayed from the SatPC32 menu "?", "Hints[Rotor] ....KCT".
(I just tested CAT steering of my the FT-736R with the KCT-Tuner again and 
works. Let me know if you want to know my settings.)

Regarding performance it makes  no difference whether you steer the FT-736R
via the PC's serial port or the KCT Tuner.  The CAT system of the FT-736R
does not allow to read the VFO frequencies. So, with CW/SSB sats it can only
be tuned around the passband with the mouse or keyboard but not with  the
VFO knob ("transparent tuning").  With other radios CAT steering directly
via a COM port has the advantage that it allows "transparent" tuning. That
doesn't work if you steer the radio via a KCT Tuner port, because the
SatPC32 software for the KCT only sends commands but does not read from the

73s, Erich, DK1TB

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Bennett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 3:08 AM
Subject: [amsat-bb] SatPC32, Yaesu FT-736, and KCT

> Has anyone got this configuration working?  My current setup is:
> Yaesu FT-736, WISP, Kansas City Tracker/Tuner with Yaesu 5400 rotor
> control
> box.
> I have try to use Satpc32 with the KCT and it will interface with the
> rotor
> control, but will not tune the radio.
> Do I need a separate cable for the data link?  Or will Satpc32 interface
> with KTC and tune thru the KTC board?
> Thanks for any info.
> Jim
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