On 11 Dec 2009 at 8:37, Danny Casier wrote:

Date sent:              Fri, 11 Dec 2009 08:37:10 +0100
From:                   Danny Casier <danny.cas...@skynet.be>
Subject:                [amsat-bb] Re: Loosing the north!!!
To:                     amsat-bb@amsat.org
Copies to:              eu-am...@yahoogroups.com

> It depends what antenna system you have. If you use high gain antenna
> system, how can you see the differens? 
> Best way is comparing with a no directional antenna before and after the
> clip over of the sat. But that's to late for that now. Perhaps we can start
> start to messure and after next clip over we can start al over again so we
> can compare the data. Messurements must be done with several passes and same
> equipment. 
> 73
> Dan ON5UE

I have 24 elements UHF linear yagi and after the switch i got a lot of small 
fades with a huge one. When i realign correctly the antenna 
all those small fades disappear and i got only one small one per pass. I agree 
it's not the best way to test it but my main concern was my 
correct alignment to the north and i can confirm it was effective as i am able 
now to hear many satellites from 1 degrees up to half a 
degree at LOS. 


Luc Leblanc VE2DWE
Skype VE2DWE


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