Hi Bob,

Glad to learn you're collecting telemetry.

Since you get data from AO-51 from TLMEcho, you obviously know what
comp port, TNC parameters, etc. work on your system.  That's a good

For Wisp---yes, you can send yourself some 9600 baud recordings to see
if it's working correctly.   You can send the audio out your sound
card and into your TNC to decode.  If you loop the audio being played,
you can test as long as you want.  The AMSAT Digital Disk has some
AO-51 9600 audio files on it (and some 38k4 audio files, too!).    You
can search and probably find some on the web to download, too.

Are you seeing any text/traffic via MSPE during a pass?

The PB list: empty means that nobody is in the queue downloading files
or the directory.  You should do a directory request and see if it
fills for you.  The uplink is on 1.2GHz, so that hinders the
operations of many folks.  Truth be known, about the only thing the
BBS is used for these days is for the downloading of telemetry to the
commmand stations.  That function is vital to the health and
maintenance of AO-51, so keeping the PBBS running is very important.

I'll send  you some screen grabs of a few MSPE setup menus, in hopes
that you'll see something to twiddle that might get Wisp working for


Mark N8MH

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Robert <ryabl...@msn.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am able to recv a good amount of data from AO-51 utilizing
> the AO-51 tlm program. Unfortunately, I am not able to collect any
> data thru wisp. I'm pretty sure I have the app setup correctly but
> never see any messages show up. Had better success years ago with
> AO-16 and running PB. Is there a way to get data into the program to check
> it operation rather then wait for passes?
> I notice from the data I see utilizing TLM that I see a string PB-list empty
> does this
> mean there are no messages ? Appreciate any feedback but a pointer to more
> wisp
> help aside from mineo's site would be appreciated.
> Cheers
> K0TZ
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Mark L. Hammond [N8MH]
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