> OK, Luc.  To make this decision you need to do the math.  But you can 
> just try comparing performance by installing the preamps at the 
> antenna and at the shack and make your own evaluation.  I'm guessing 
> that is not convenient as antennas are on a tower.
> You mention running two coax lines "1/78". > 
> 73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
> ======================================
>   BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz   www.kl7uw.com
> 500-KHz/CW, 144-MHz EME, 1296-MHz EME
> DUBUS Magazine USA Rep dubus...@hotmail.com
> ====================================== 

It is a Heliax 45' lenght of 7/8"... and here is the the relay info's i have:


There was some discussion about RelComm Technologies on the moon net in 2008: 

If their figures are reliable i will put them in your spread sheet with the 
preamps figures Icom AG-35 and AG-25 and the rig is the FT-847.

As i don't want to have an EME class station (Just working leo's) i will 
probably not be able to tell the difference even if there is one 
but as you said the only one way to be 100% sure is to tested it but this will 
have to wait until next summer If the antenna will survive 
our next 24hrs of predicted freezing rain...

Thank's for your help Ed


Luc Leblanc VE2DWE
Skype VE2DWE


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