I appreciate the helpful hints. I will try it again once it comes back
up on 1.2. 

 Again, thanks for all your efforts in keeping AO-51 one of the leading
satellites to use.

 My hat off to you!! :-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Glasbrenner" <glasbren...@mindspring.com>
To: "Angelo Glorioso" <n5...@hotmail.com>
Cc: "AMSATBBS" <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] New Control Software

> Angelo Glorioso wrote:
>> I see! As for low usage of the BBS, well, most of the folks that used 
>> GO-32
>> either don't have 1.2g or have not been able to get into the AO-51 BBS 
>> at all
>> since the new configuration was put in place. I have been unable to 
>> use AO-51 BBS with
>> a 70 watts brick on 1.2g, a directives system 23 cm RHCP 12 turn helix 
>> 14.5 dBic gain,
>> 1/4 inch heliax coaxial cable after many days of trying. I can into 
>> AO-51 using voice with
>> no problem. I know the frequency is a little off and have tried 
>> adjusting but no luck.
>> I just wonder if the BBS was in V/U mode how many more users would 
>> show up.
>> Can a schedule mode be requested for the BBS for V/U???
>>  Oh well, as you said, it is a low priority.
> V/U BBS was discontinued because it interfered with control of the 
> satellite, so no, we won't be scheduling it without the upgrade even if 
> requested. We have many L/U users on several continents, but it does 
> require a very good station. The equipment you describe should be 
> adequate...it's similar to what I use. The deviation and frequency is 
> very important to be successful. My uplink is about 3 khz high than 
> listed. Since you have an excellent L/U analog uplink, I'm confident the 
> devil is in the details with your digital setup.
> We've had a lot of other challenges to keep AO-51 running and healthy 
> this year and last. I'm sorry if you don't agree with our priorities. I 
> was working on a more comprehensive explanation to the separate 
> identical email you sent this morning. You'll have to excuse me if I was 
> a little kurt in my answer after you pressed the question via -bb.
> 73, Drew KO4MA
Sent via amsat...@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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