Thanks for sharing this. That shows some real ingenuity.

Dave, AA4KN
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-----Original Message-----
From: Clint Bradford <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 20:24:01 
Subject: [amsat-bb]  Sat Presentation in Illinois

I just finished giving my "How to Work Amateur Satellites with Low Power" 
presentation to a classroom in Southern Illinois.

Club president Gregg Sperling, KB9E, contacted me a few weeks ago, asking if I 
could speak at the March meeting of his Southern Illinois University Amateur 
Radio Club in Carbondale, IL. 

NO - I didn't use up my wife's frequent flyer miles. We did it via Skype. Audio 
AND video.

I prepared a .pdf file ahead of time, tailored to the club (I always have a 
couple club-related trivia questions ... and always have the club's grid square 
id'd in the program) - and emailed it ahead of time to the tech guy. All slides 
were numbered, so we could stay in sync. The club used a computer/projector to 
show the slideshow, and I was able to see and hear  the classroom attendees - 
and they could see and hear me - via Skype.

Skype is almost "full duplex," so I could hear comments and questions ... and I 
could see when a hand raised up for a question. It really worked out well!

So, presenters: I guess we are no longer limited to "hundred mile radii" 
restrictions for our shows! It wasn't as effective as actually going to a site, 
demo'ing a FM bird, THEN presenting. But it sure got the word out to a club 
that I couldn't physically get to!

We had a great time!

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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