Hello Alan WA4SCA and John K8YSE,

Thank you both for the SO-50 contacts at the Raleigh Hamfest (RARSFest)!  I 
appreciate your sharp ears and return calls.  It made the demo successful.  The 
location wasn't great (tall metal buildings!) but the biggest problem was a 
setting on my radio that I FINALLY figured out.

Somehow, some way at Dry Tortugas the 2M uplink on my FT-817 had been changed 
from the rear SO-239 (which I use with the Elk) to the front BNC connector...it 
explains why I had no success on the boat ride from the island to Key West and 
why I couldn't work anybody during my first pass attempt on AO-27 today.  Glad 
to figure that bugger out!  I had the 435 band going to the right connector, 
but since the 2M band was "hidden" because of split memory channels it took me 
a while to figure it out.  I was transmitting into a BNC connector without any 
antenna--hi hi.

The hamfest was well attended with many out of town hams in the area because of 
the Easter weekend.  The weather was great (warm), and the RARS club is always 
a great host.  They donate the booth (with power) and take good care of us.  
Thanks go to Chuck K4HF and RARS! 


Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH]

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