Luc and All,

I was able to copy the CW signal "fair" at times (when my local pulse noise 
was down) today around 1840 utc with just a Cushcraft 432-20T
(my 1970's antenna) using a SSB 7000 and a TS-2000x with both preamps on.  I 
was talking to a local EME operator on 220mhz (WD4JHD)
and would tell him when I heard the signal.  He would confirm my reception 
each time.  I will say it was not good enough to work a contact.

I was just amazed that I could hear them at all with my "flea" antenna. 
It's only 4 ft long and was running axial feed to both driven elements.  I
was elevated between 67 to 70 plus degrees at the time.  I never could hear 
the other station, but did hear KP4AO give someone a 559 report.
I hope they run digital mode Sunday to see if I can decode it.

73 all,

> On a 24elem linear yagi+preamp signal here is very very weak could be one 
> or two dits from them. Just hope they can get their linear back i
> will try JT65B
> "-"
> Luc Leblanc VE2DWE
> Skype VE2DWE
> DSTAR urcall VE2DWE
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