Congrats, Loren. That's quite an accomplishment for a portable setup.

Just as a yardstick, I got SAT VUCC # 64 back in November of 1996 so you 
are definitely in exalted company ;-)
It's actually quite surprising there aren't more VUCCs done in that 
length of time. I wonder what the League's statistics are for the 
"regular" VUCC.
Moreover, I wonder how many Satellite WAS or WAC awards have been issued 
since the 90s. I got sat WAS #299 in December 2004.. WAC is dated 1993, 
but I wonder if it can even be done now with the current crop of 
satellites. In the Oscar 10 or -13 days you could almost work it in a 
single pass. Has anyone heard if a sat DXCC has been done any time in 
the recent past?

BTW, this is your opportunity, guys and gals on the -BB, to beat me up 
if I owe anyone a QSL card... I am coming out of a long hiatus so I'll 
put priority on returning those cards that people are really waiting on.

Some random, Friday morning musings de Bob W1ICW ( the sat operator 
formerly known as WE1U )
> To:
> Sent: Thu, April 22, 2010 1:48:49 PM
> Subject: [amsat-bb]  Satellite VUCC # 194
> It came in the mail today. It took from
> November 2009 through February 2010.
> About 600 QSOs. FT-60R and an Arrow.
> 36 states confirmed.
> Thank you all that returned cards.
> Yeah, I'm jazzed.
> 73
> Loren
> k7cwq
> CN94

"I love the freedoms we got in this country, I appreciate your freedom to burn 
your flag if you want to, but I really appreciate my right to bear arms so I 
can shoot you if you try to burn mine."
Johnny Cash from "Ragged Old Flag"

Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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