
I really like your message,  "if it was easy it wouldn't be as fun".  All to 
often some satellite operators build taller and bigger having unrealistic 
expectations and stop smiling after a pass.  I've been helping a club member 
who has been a ham over 40 years, he was timid about what it took to make a 
satellite contact.  I put an Arrow in his hands, taught him about frequency 
steps for Doppler, and how to use his wrist during a pass.  A week later, 
John how did go, well haven't had the chance excuse.  John, look I will pick 
a pass for you 40 degrees, just listen, he did and the smile started.  The 
next day, he had three confirmed QSO's, would of had more but his pencil 
broke in the excitement, digital tape next, his smile is not going away! 
keeping it simple and  remembering "if it was too easy it wouldn't be as 
much fun, thank you Ron.

73's Pete

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