Spaceflight Services Announces Lunar and GTO Mission Pricing

Prague, CZ - September 30, 2010:  Spaceflight Services (Spaceflight) announced
today pricing for small payloads to Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and
Low Lunar Orbit (LLO).  

Spaceflight, as part of the Rocket City Space Pioneer Google Lunar X-Prize
Team, is responsible for mission integration and providing space
transportation services to Low Lunar Orbit.  Spaceflight is providing flight
opportunities for ESPA class spacecraft (spacecraft weighing less than 180 kg)
interested in launch services to GTO and Low Lunar Orbit.  

The proposed mission, which is slated for Q4 2013 or Q1 2014, will deploy
three ESPA payloads into a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit and two additional
payloads in a Low Lunar Orbit.  The mission is also open to smaller spacecraft
looking for a low cost ride to either of these destinations.

Mission pricing for small payloads to GTO begins at $795,000 for a 3U CubeSat
and up to $13,950,000 for a full ESPA spacecraft.


This is considered a "Low Cost Ride" in the commercial world. This is the free
market value of the launch that we are hoping to get for significantly less.
Wish us luck...

Dan Schultz N8FGV

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