Auctioning off spectrum that includes the important 435-438 Satellite
segment?  Let alone that 430-440 is a ham band almost everywhere in
the world.

73 de Pat --- KA9SCF.

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 11:40 AM,  <> wrote:
> ----- Forwarded Message -----
> From: "Rick Pinelli" <>
> To: "Damon" <>, "David" <>, "Lee" 
> <>, "Rick" <>, 
>, "chris dowland" <>, "Danny Banks" 
> <>, "Richard Martin" <>, 
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 10:27:33 AM
> Subject: 420 MHz in Jeopardy!
> I received this info from one of the D-STAR groups about the 420 MHz band
> and thought I would pass it along.
> Rick - KA2BSM
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: 420 band auction imminent if HR 607 passes
> I think we need to be aware of this issue, since our repeater system lives
> there.
> This is being done "in order to offset the loss of revenue that would occur
> as the result of the allocation of the D-Block to Public Safety instead of
> commercial auction".
> So they are giving away some spectrum that they said they would auction, and
> we get to pay the price for it.
> This bill was introduced by the Horable Peter King, R-NY District #3.
> Read more about Congresman King's spin on this plan here.
> Note that there is NO MENTION of the 420-450 and 450-470 bands in his press
> release, and they are in a footnote in the bill (oh, by the way, we can make
> up the revenue shortfall by auctioning off these frequencies...) So these
> bands will be sacrificed to pay for the reallocation of the spectrum that
> was previously cleared by TV Broadcasters for acution in the name of
> "Homeland Security".
> The 450 band contains Broadcasting Remote Pickup and Studio to Transmitter
> links along with other coordinated use. 420 to 450 is our 70cm amateur
> band.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> *Spectrum Management Bill Threatens Amateur Frequencies*
> *On February 10, Representative Peter King (R-NY-3), Chairman of the House
> Homeland Security Committee, introduced HR 607, the **Broadband for First
> Responders Act of 2011**. The bill been referred to the House Energy and
> Commerce Committee, which handles telecommunications legislation. *
> *HR 607 addresses certain spectrum management issues, including the creation
> and maintenance of a nationwide Public Safety broadband network. As part of
> that network, the bill provides for the allocation of the so-called
> "D-Block" of spectrum in the 700 MHz range for Public Safety use.*
> *The D-Block consists of two, 5 megahertz-wide segments of **spectrum
> (758-763 and 788-793 MHz) that became available when the FCC ended analog
> television broadcasts in June 2009 and reallocated the 698-806 MHz band for
> Public Safety and commercial broadband. It was anticipated that the D-Block
> would be auctioned for commercial use. *
> *There are several bills in Congress providing for the allocation of the
> D-Block for Public Safety use, and HR 607 is one of those. But HR 607
> uniquely provides for the reallocation of other spectrum for auction to
> commercial users, in order to offset the loss of revenue that would occur as
> the result of the allocation of the D-Block to Public Safety instead of
> commercial auction. *
> *HR 607 lists the paired bands of 420-440 MHz and 450-470 MHz among the
> bands to be reallocated for commercial auction within 10 years of its
> passage. *
> Read more
> here< 
>  >
> _______________________________________________
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