Insulting people probably won't get you what you're looking for.

I did a search of the QST archive and came up empty, so I doubt if there was 
an article (I could be mistaken).  Most kits out there are for HF equipment 
usually QRP (low power), I don't personally know of a 2m/70cm kit of any 
kind.  There are lots of homebrew projects but again they are mostly for HF.

If you have more specific information, by all means post it here.  I'd be 

As for other forums, they are too numerous to list.  Your best bet would be 
to go to Yahoo groups and do a search on applicable topics and/or equipment 

There are a lot of hams that still build stuff - mostly antennas, but other 
equipment as well.  There just aren't very many kits out there anymore.  If 
you run across a vhf/uhf kit of any kind, I'd be interested in learning more 
about it.

Jeff Moore  --  KE7ACY
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Deane" <>

Is there another forum, because obviously everyone here just buys everything 
and maybe have forgotten what this hobby is all about!

I know there is a kit out there for a receiver and or a SSB converter.

2-meter/70cm SSB receiver. I heard there was an article in QST so it must 

I am young, enthusiastic, and have lots of time, any help would be great. :)

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