Hi Everyone,

I just thought I'd relay a bit of QRM I observed on AO-51 on this
morning's 3/16/2011 1322z pass.   The bird was totally quiet (just a
nice carrier) for the first 5 minutes of the pass, but then it sounded
like a repeater was getting into the sat uplink:

3/16  1327z:  "Connected, KD7QAF repeater."
3/16  1328z:  "KD7QAF repeater disconnected."
3/16  1328z:  "hey Stacy did I see you at the corner there by Wendys?"
3/16  1330z:  "...repeater in Middleton, Idaho."

Pretty minor as far as QRM goes, but I just wanted to flag it up in
case anyone knows of a KD7QAF repeater (call might have been KD7QAN?)
that's got an output near 145.920.  Might be worth letting them know
they're getting into a sat.

Also had a nice chat with Kerry WC7V on the same pass -- I'd forgotten
how nice it is to work AO-51 on the early morning passes, it's a
fantastic satellite!!!  The morning passes aren't crowded at all, and
'51 has such beautiful clear audio and great coverage.

73 de Dave KB5WIA / CM88
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