Like Drew, I've had great results with linear antennas.  I use either
a linearly-polarized Elk antenna (for portable ops), or a home az/el
setup using a 2M7 (vertical) VHF yagi and a 15-el Diamond (horizontal)
UHF yagi.  Both systems work just fine for me on the FM and SSB sats.

73 de Dave KB5WIA / CM88

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Andrew Glasbrenner
<> wrote:
> On Mar 18, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Jeff Moore <> wrote:
>> Horizontally polarized beams will not work very well for satellite use
> I disagree, at least for 2m. For several years I've used a 2m7 or cushcraft 
> 10 element horizontal yagi on 2m with fine results. Being horizontal allows 
> me to play on terrestrial as well as meteor scatter where the extra gain from 
> polarity makes a huge difference. Sat links are generally good enough that it 
> doesn't matter much at least on 2m. Obviously there is some compromise in 
> this setup, but it hasn't been a problem yet.
> 73, Drew KO4MA

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