Just so everyone knows, I find all of this utter ridiculous; and while
I disagree with all of the folks who say "this is just a hobby" (since
many of us are also commercial operators and heavily involved in
ARES/RACES, etc. as certified emergency radio operators), I do believe
that some civility is in order.

Rather than complain incessantly though, I'm just going to get off the
birds altogether. I'm thinking of selling my FT-60R, my Elk antenna,
and my digital recorder and moseying on down the bands. I really
prefer HF DX and contesting anyway, but satellite was fun while it

I do hope you're all able to sort this mess out though. It's really
seeming petty from the outside, and I know most of us don't like
infighting like this.

Good luck! I'm out....

- Jake, K3UAZ
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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