
This was my first attempt on this satellite. CW 
telemetry at 145.920 was easy to copy, and I
hear CW and SSB through the transponder. It
wasn't hatd to hear the transponder after the 
satellite was up a few degrees from the horizon,
and I heard my own CW near mid-pass. Maximum
elevation here was 33 degrees.

Above 20 or so degrees elevation, I could hear my
CW. Near the midpoint, I briefly heard myself in
SSB. Fading is there, but having to adjust my VFO
more often than working VO52 makes this bird
more of a challenge.

Although I didn't complete a QSO, I think I heard
KN6ZA in CW. I know I clearly heard AA5PK in SSB
starting around 1337-1338 UTC. I will try again on
the next pass at 1508-1517 UTC.


Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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