> I may be going on an extended adventure which 
> will take me far from the usual communications...
> As far as SATs go, what's presently flying or 
> near term planned for launch that will serve 
> as a message relay for nts type messages?

Better to squeeze your messages down to APRS style one-liners and then you will 
have several options including direct Email. 

1) ISS 145.825 up and down
2) Later this fall FAST1 and FAST2 if releaset to amateur use
3) PCSAT-1 (W3ADO up and down on 145.825)

PCSAT-1 is basically dead but one or two packets might get through during 
mid-day passes rarely.  See live downlink on http://pcsat.aprs.org

ISS is often on, but sometimes off for days at a time.  See current activity at 

FAST1 will have the same 145.825 uplink but ground stations will have to 
monitor the UHF downlink.  And FAST2 has a 145.825 downlink, but it takes a KW 
on the uplink, but can be used to get messages to you from fixed stations.

I keep begging to get more 145.825 transponders on every bird that flies and 
has room, so that we can have a continuous presence on there, independent of 


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