On 9/28/2011 10:52 AM, Thomas Schaefer wrote:
I have to say the statement about people not having the experience,
time and patience to maintain it is pure egotistical nonsense.


Open source code is always better because no matter how clever ones
thinks they are as a programmer, there are always better coders.

DING DING DING! I think you nailed the issue on the head. No one wants to admit that their code could be horrid. However, when opening your code, you are running the risk of someone coming up and saying "Hey, this is horrid, I rewrote it so it's ten times better." -- Plus there's the whole commenting, documentation, etc. That's at least doubling the workload.

I open source my software. Why? Because I /know/ my code is horrid. Nowhere to go but up.

If HRD was open sourced, I guarantee the satellite tracking piece
would work perfectly for all radios because we would have fixed it.

However, that's a big statement to make. Getting an active development community around you codebase is a bit difficult. There is no way to guarantee such things.

Ben Jackson - N1WBV - New Bedford, MA
bbj <at> innismir.net - http://www.innismir.net/
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