On Thu, 29 Sep 2011 09:48:55 -0400
Stuart Balanger <wa2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Was wondering if someone has a Duplexer?
> *IE a Box, on 1 nd is where the Coax gets connected, & on other
> end is 2 short coax cable lengths; & 1 length goes to 2 meters;
> & the other length goes to 70 CM1) (I have a Kenwwod TS-2000)

That would be a diplexer, not a duplexer.


There *used to be* a very, very good design, easily build and readily 
repeatable, on that site.
It appears that the site owner has had a hissy-fit over criticism of a "magical 
antenna" design, and has pulled it down.  A spot of googling will turn up a 
copy of the original article, though, which I won't link to directly just in 
case HB9ABX gets even more upset.  Alternatively you could email him and see if 
he'll sell you a copy.

Nothing is ever entirely deleted from the Internet.  Nothing.

Gordon JC Pearce MM0YEQ <gordon...@gjcp.net>
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