My 5500 has had a 450 motor in it for about 8 years :)

It was cheaper to buy a used rotor than the motor from yaesu parts.

73, Drew KO4MA

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 7, 2011, at 8:34 PM, "Jeff KB2M" <> wrote:

> Ok I started working the problem tonight. I would first like to thank, Al
> Wa4sca, Stan W1le, and Jeff N3qo, for some ideas on what the problem might
> be. What I found so far is an open between 4  5 and 6. Any combination of
> the three is open. So I'm assuming I burned out the motor windings in the
> azimuth rotor to cause an open. I'm also assuming as the rotor is less than
> 3 years old that it doesn't have a fused link? I went through my parts bin
> and found a working Yaesu G-450 rotor. I wonder if the 450 and the 5500
> azimuth rotor use the same motor, did anyone try this? 
> 73 Jeff kb2m
> On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 7:09 AM, Jeff KB2M <> wrote:
>     Starting to put my satellite system back on the air. Now having
> another
>    rotor problem. I think what happened is that after Hurricane Irene
> passed
>    by, everything was working. Later that morning a surprisingly strong
> wind
>    gust after Irene passed by blew my sat array over. I was unaware of
> this and
>    when I tried to work a sat I had a very weak signal. I went outside
> to check
>    the antenna system and found it laying on the ground. So what I
> think
>    happened is that the rotor was trying to turn while the antenna was
> on the
>    ground and burned out something in the rotor. It is not a cable
> problem, it
>    is definitely in the azimuth rotor, elevation works fine. I swap
> cables and
>    this showed the problem is in the az rotor only. Anyone have this
> same
>    problem? I'm going to take the rotor apart this weekend and would
> like some
>    ideas before I start. Any electrical test through the cable from
> inside the
>    shack to determine the problem would be much appreciated :-)
>    73 Jeff kb2m
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