I wanted to let W6IHG that I did hear him through ARISSat-1 during my 1817 UTC pass. I have an audio recording of that pass. I believe I also heard WB2OQQ. There was also a station sending SSTV through the transponder but the station was not using Doppler. He went right out of the bandpass. I tried to follow but could not.

I noticed that even though ARISSat-1 was in full sunlight, it went into Low Power mode. I was able to get a pretty decent SSTV copy during that pass, also. I am trying to determine what I am going to do when it terminates. It has taken up a good portion of my operating since August 4th. HI HI.

There is another pass coming up in 5 mins (1951UTC). It will be a 13 degree pass so that should be pretty decent also.


*Carl W8KRF*
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