On 17/01/12 03:42, Gregg Wonderly wrote:

The biggest issue that causes recession and then depression in the
economy, is when the value in the economy out strips the cash available
to support that value. When everyone buys the "cheapest" item, and it is
a defective item, that then doesn't live long enough in the economy,
that can cause people to replace it, in an emergency purchase, with a
"credit purchase", which then presses the economy with more value, and
less cash.

Right, but my point is that the "cheap crap" item is lasting longer than the expensive name-brand item, and comes with full service documentation and a sane method of ordering spares. Furthermore, in many cases the manufacturers have helpful and knowledgeable techies, even if there is a bit of a language barrier.

I don't really see why I should pay extra for a product that's not as good, from a company that treats its customers and indeed its dealers with what stops just barely short of contempt once it's got their money.

Gordonjcp MM0YEQ

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