On Feb 11, 2012, at 12:50 AM, "i8cvs" <domenico.i8...@tin.it> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "JoAnne Maenpaa" <k9...@comcast.net>
> To: <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
> Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 12:12 AM
> Subject: [amsat-bb] ANS-041 AMSAT News Service Special Bulletin
>> ANS-041 Special Bulletin
>> SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-041.01
>> ANS-041 AMSAT Fox-1 Cubesat Selected for NASA ELaNa Launch Collaboration
>> AMSAT News Service Bulletin 041.01
>> February 10, 2012
>> BID: $ANS-041.01
>>  < snip>
>> + Return the form sent with the letter to reply with your donation
>>  for the Fox-1 Project.
>>  - All donations over $40 will receive a Fox pin.
>>  - Donations of $120 or more qualify you for AMSAT President's Club
> I invite All to donate the maximum as possible only to AMSAT-DL for
> P3E because AMSAT-NA before the launch of OSCAR-10 promised to
> the Radio Amateur Community to communicate by satellite much better
> than in HF.........Where actually the Amateur Satellite Service have gone ?
> I pull only for AMSAT-DL and P3E because looking to the AMSAT-NA
> projects for a HEO at this time, before AO40 died I invested a lot of money
> in my HEO satellite station for nothing.
> I trust only on  P3E  because the AMSAT-DL President DB2OS,Peter
> Guelzow on 29 JAN 2012 writes on this AMSAT-BB the following
> message:
> "Indeed all money donated to the P3-E project goes into the P3-E project
> and we are grateful for all those direct contributions and support in
> particular from many individual AMSAT-NA members and indeed many other
> hams from around the world. Due to ITAR, unfortunatly AMSAT-NA had to
> stop all it's official support (including money, which hurts) for P3-E
> several years ago, as you wrote.. For example, we had to re-build and
> continue the IHU hardware and software development on our own resources.
> The same for the original SDX development, etc.  The S/C is still
> sitting in our clean room in Marburg and waiting to be finalized. Having
> no firm launch date yet, activities slowed down in some areas, while
> other activities and groups are highly active and well alive.  The
> biggest problem is indeed having no firm launch date yet..  this is
> frustration for everyone involved. We all put so much volunteer work and
> time into it...
> When I read "Forget P3-E, build an MEO" (that's how I read it first) I
> was indeed very concerned..  should we really forget all the hard work,
> time and money which already went into the project and scrap it???   And
> what than?    No - I'm not giving up...
> OK, reading the second time I understood that Dave meant we should put
> P3-E on  VEGA and use it's propulsion to go to MEO...
> Unfortunately things are not so easy..  P3-E was designed to go from GTO
> into HEO.  For example, all the magnetic attitude control won't work in
> MEO anymore, etc..    Thus we were looking for GTO, but would it fit on
> VEGA?  Indeed, we could try an elliptical orbit with a much lower
> apogee,  but than we have to carefully study the effects of orbit
> resonances which caused AO-13 to burn-up too soon.   However, I do
> sympathize with the idea and we thought about it in the past, but
> discarded the idea for reasons I have almost forgotten now.    So,
> perhaps we should look again at it..  do some orbit and fuel
> calculation, study orbit perturbations and orbit stability again and see
> what the impact will be on the S/C design.    Any volunteers for that?
> As Nitin wrote,  we contacted AMSAT-India to help with contacts to
> ISRO,  we are in contact with SpaceX and I recently had a personal
> letter exchange with the CEO of Arianespace.  If a launch possibility
> arises, we will be on it.   It is not always a matter of money, but also
> a matter of compatibility to slip in.  Ariane-5 for example is a real
> workhorse now with standard launch configurations.  Any change on that
> costs them a lot of money. If there is an "unusual" configuration were
> they have to ask industry for a configuration change, than it might also
> be easier for us to slip in..
> That simply means we have to wait for the right moment or finding new
> qualification flight..  Ariane 5ME is such opportunity we are actively
> working on, but this will not be before 2018.
> In the last several month our work and priority was mostly focused
> regarding our funding situation and to improve it.  Although most people
> still did not understand it, but the P5-A project is one these
> opportunity we need. It is well alive and currently heavily discussed
> within the highest ranks inside of our government organizations.   Apart
> from this, we are currently working on another project to fly an hosted
> payload on a GEO satellite... A decision is not made yet, but if we get
> the opportunity it will provide some neat communication capabilities.
> Our previous heritage and  P5 will help here too.."
> 73s Peter DB2OS
> Hello Peter.......be sure that all of us with experience from OSCAR-10
> to AO40 are pulling for P3E......go-ahead ! !
> 73" de
> i8CVS Domenico
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