Below are links to a HYSPLIT 12-hour trajectory prediction based on the
last estimated lat/long that I saw on at 0300 UTC and Bob's
altitude estimate of 15,000 feet.  The first link is to a PDF and the
second is to a Google Earth KMZ.

This prediction puts the balloon over Bermuda at around 2100 UTC on 30 Mar

Robert KC8UCH

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:43 PM, Bob Bruninga <> wrote:

> Balloon was released at 2330z (1930EDT) and is headed SE from Annapolis at
> 6
> knots.
> Rising very slowly. But it reached Freezing (0C) at 0020z so that should be
> about 7500'
> See
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:43 PM
> But We notice another Device with CW on nearly the same freq.  Our dial
> freq
> will be 28.223 USB dial, but we hear another CW signal (Italian) down at
> 28.222 USB dial.</B>
> <P>
> Filling balloons now.
> -----Original Message-----
> Balloon web page is up.  Launch hopefully by sunset from Annapolis
> Maryland.
> Start here:
> -----Original Message-----
> If we are lucky, we hope to launch our 6 party-balloon long duration
> payload
> Thursday evening around sunset EST.    It has no APRS, just a 10m CW
> telemetry system.  We will have to locate it by signal strength and beam
> headings only.
> If you have APRS you can uplink your beam heading via APRS so we can see
> the
> DF solution maybe...
> More tomorrow (again, if we are lucky).  It will only be at 15,000 feet or
> so, vulnerable to weather and not so great winds...
> The battery could last 10 days....
> Bob, WB4APR
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