Here are updated HYSPLIT files based on the information below.  Note that I
ran the prediction at both 4600 meters AGL (the original 15,000 ft altitude
estimate) and 5800 meters (based on tonight's upper air soundings in the
immediate area of the balloon for a temp of -25C).  Both trajectories are
plotted on the same diagram.  Also, these are 48-hour predictions based on
the current GFS model (the last run was 12-hour based on NAM).

PDF file:

Google Earth KMZ:

Robert KC8UCH

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:24 PM, Bob Bruninga <> wrote:

> It went over my horizon (from Annapolis) at about 0300z just about
> perfectly
> as predicted for aa 15,000' altitude and 180 miles range.  Caught me by
> surprise, as I was working on plots and so did not try to decode the latest
> CW until I noticed I didn't hear it anymore.  I think m y last TEMPERATURE
> might have been -25C which means it is higher than expected, -OR- the
> temperature is colder than the "standard Atmosphere model".
> I really don't know this balloon stuff well.  SO we are flying by the seat
> of our pants.
> I got 0100z winds aloft for 5k, 10k and 18k feet and used that to back out
> an estimated track.  Then DR'd that along.  My best guesses are posted on
> the APRS-IS as objects.  And then I updated an object "W3ADO-11" balloon at
> my best guess at that 0300z time at a LAT of 37.6N and 73.7W headed 120 at
> 60 MPH.
> I hope it turns more easterly by morning.
> Everywone listen early as sun rises and maybe we will get some skip?
> Update soon on
> Bob, WB4aPR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Bruninga []
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:43 PM
> To: 'Bob Bruninga';
> Cc: 'TAPR APRS Mailing List'
> Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] Party Balloon Long Duration Mission (LAUNCHED!)
> Balloon was released at 2330z (1930EDT) and is headed SE from Annapolis at
> 6
> knots.
> Rising very slowly. But it reached Freezing (0C) at 0020z so that should be
> about 7500'
> See
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 4:43 PM
> But We notice another Device with CW on nearly the same freq.  Our dial
> freq
> will be 28.223 USB dial, but we hear another CW signal (Italian) down at
> 28.222 USB dial.</B>
> <P>
> Filling balloons now.
> -----Original Message-----
> Balloon web page is up.  Launch hopefully by sunset from Annapolis
> Maryland.
> Start here:
> -----Original Message-----
> If we are lucky, we hope to launch our 6 party-balloon long duration
> payload
> Thursday evening around sunset EST.    It has no APRS, just a 10m CW
> telemetry system.  We will have to locate it by signal strength and beam
> headings only.
> If you have APRS you can uplink your beam heading via APRS so we can see
> the
> DF solution maybe...
> More tomorrow (again, if we are lucky).  It will only be at 15,000 feet or
> so, vulnerable to weather and not so great winds...
> The battery could last 10 days....
> Bob, WB4APR
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