It's been a long time since I tried, but if I remember correctly something in AGW fouled up a different TNC program I had for 9k6 work. It was frustrating.

I'm sort of looking for a standalone gateway program, without all the other stuff to confuse things. It'd be nice to keep it as small as possible, to run on older hardware or something like an Atom netbook with XP. Anything like that out there?

73, Drew KO4MA

On 7/10/2012 5:32 PM, George Henry wrote:
Drew, I set up my (part-time) SatGate using UI-View32 and AGW Packet Engine.  It
was surprisingly easy to get it going.  I think the only real problem I ran into
was that the link for updating the APRS servers list was dead, but I Googled&
found a working link, and manually updated the list.

George, KA3HSW

----- Original Message ----
From: Andrew Glasbrenner<>
To: Bob Bruninga<>
Cc: "<>"<>
Sent: Tue, July 10, 2012 3:06:29 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: aprs iss freq: is there anyone out there? UHF works!

Hi Bob,

I could easily set up an Igate, but every time I've looked into  it I've been
turned off by the complexity of the software setup. Is there a one  program,
easy to configure solution? Audio in would be best, but tnc decode is  ok as

73, Drew KO4MA

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