
Last November, on the 8th, you posted an "energetic" message in which you
said in part: "OK this really gets me. Go to space weather.com A dummy obama
can get a free ride into space and tons of cube sats can get into space, but
Amsat has to wait another year and half...."  That was based on not reading
the article carefully, which it in fact described a doll flown on a balloon.
In my reply, I also explained the process of how satellite launches are done
these days.  That is available in the archives.

There are here again a few misunderstandings.  Actually, they are 4 inch
cube satellites, to perhaps nitpick. We already have a ride from NASA, this
year, with more in the works.  Fox-1 will have some differences, but provide
the same type of capabilities as AO-51's most popular modes.   See any
number of ANS, AMSAT Journal, and other sources for this information.

The question is not how much money AMSAT has;  every organization that can't
print its own money needs a reserve to buffer cash flow.  AMSAT is in the
process of developing multiple satellites, and thanks to the efforts of
many, it is running about even on covering expenses.   Due to ITAR and other
issues, that has not always been the case in the past few years.

As to why be a member, see above.  Most understand that it takes time,
effort, and sometimes even a bit of luck in the space business.  Especially
when you are working on the proverbial shoestring.  If you find our efforts
unacceptable, then by all means put your own efforts, talents, and money
with people who are doing it the way you wish.  Criticism, preferably
constructive and knowledgeable, is always welcome.  Being insulting is rude,
unproductive, and a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.

Finally, things are slow, but I see a fair number of posts about grids,
states, etc.  In this year, we will see Fox-1, FUNcube from AMSAT-UK, and
possibly other sources of contacts.  QSOs and BB discussions rise and fall
with the number of functioning satellites.

It would be unfortunate for you to leave based on a further series of
misunderstandings.  If you do decide to leave, the very best to you, and
many happy QSOs!



-----Original Message-----
From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org [mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On
Behalf Of wa4...@comcast.net
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:39 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] DELETE DELETE and DELETE AGAIN

Does Amsat have anything to offer us besides an email BB ? 
 Now I guess there will be 2 weeks of RE: emails to this honest question
that we all know the answer to.(nothing but excuses)
 Amsat needs more money, send more money. How much money does Amsat have?
 All these rocket scientist out there and not one of them can bum a little 6
inch square satellite a ride into space. Please don't dazel me with anymore
of your electronic genius, I don't care, I would like to see it in space in
the form of a bird that we can talk through. One that just doesn't beep beep
beep . I would be good to see this BBS used for making contacts in grids
,states and friends. 
 Why would anyone want to be a member of Amsat or renew membership?
See u
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Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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