I may set up a Field Day satellite station for our local club. I haven't done
this in a while.... my last experience with a non-FM bird was AO-40.

I'd like to avoid the futility of the FM LEO's on FD, and look to the
working passband birds, which I understand are AO-7, FO-29, and VO-52.

I have at my disposal a FT-847, an Arrow satellite antenna (V/U), and if needed, various preamps and poweramps for 2m and 432, as well as antennas with more elements.

I also have a Ten Tec 2510 satellite unit that does not have the "extra crystal board",
which I understand makes it a non-starter for the 3 birds I mentioned.

For those of you experienced with the bandpass birds, assuming an outdoor,
clear sky access location, what should I bring? (i.e. will the FT-847 stock amp be sufficient?
How many elements do I need for uplink? pre-amp for downlink? etc)

I also may only be able to work overnight (in darkness) -- that rules out AO-7, correct?

Bill W1PA
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