Yep, it's about 13* here in SoCal.


On 05/22/2013 11:39 AM, Rolf Krogstad wrote:
Sorry, I forgot to say it makes a  difference because of Magnetic
Declination - the difference between magnetic north and true north.

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 6:37 AM, Rolf Krogstad <>wrote:

Jim makes a good point.  Know where the points of the compass are.

And, depending on where you are located, that is not as simple as just
taking out a compass.
It can make a fair amount of difference if you are in the western states
of the US and not so much, if any, if you are in some place like Pensacola,

NOAA has a calculator:

Rolf   NR0T
Amsat-NA #38889

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 11:39 PM, Jim Jerzycke <> wrote:

You're definitely approaching it in the right way, Bill!

An FT-847 is an excellent satellite rig, and in combination with a small
gain antenna, will be an excellent station.

The 50 Watts the '847 provides is more than enough RF power, even with
the Arrow, or similar Elk, antenna.

A preamps are highly recommended, especially with a smaller antenna.

Use a diplexer "in reverse" to help get rid of desense. It's more
important than you'd think.**new/articles/Mode-J/<>

A few other tips to help you.......

If you're going to be running tracking software, like SatPC32, make SURE
your PC has the correct time set!

An error of 10~15 seconds may not sound like much, but it can cause you
point your antennas wrong, and ruin a pass.

Same with your Lat/Lon. I use a GPS, which also supplies an accurate
clock to the laptop, but a lot of people get by with just using grid

Know precisely *WHERE* North, South. East, and West are at your station

You'd be surprised how many people don't, and then can't find the sats as
they come up over the horizon.

Have a helper to point the antenna, as you'll be busy doing the "Doppler

Again, if you run SatPC32, the Doppler correction is fed to the rig, and
it's one less manual operation to split your limited time amongst.

Keep the TenTec on the shelf, in the collection.

And as somebody else pointed out, get started setting up and practicing

If you wait until Field Day weekend, you'll wind up extremely frustrated,
with few or no contacts!

I know, as I used to do it that way every year. I think the best I ever
got was three contacts one year.

The next year I started two months early, and I made THIRTY FIVE contacts
that year, just because:

I didn't forget anything at home, requiring numerous unnecessary trips
back and forth (I also bought some Tupperware tubs to keep all the
satellite stuff in!)

Everything worked because I had six weekends to practice setting up and
operating before Field Day, ensuring all the bugs were worked out

I was a lot more comfortable using the station because I knew it all
worked, and the stress level was much lower.

Good luck, get going, and listen for K6AA on Field Day, and KQ6EA the
weeks before while I'm practicing!

73, Jim  KQ6EA

On 05/21/2013 08:09 PM, Bill W1PA wrote:

I may set up a Field Day satellite station for our local club. I haven't
this in a while.... my last experience with a non-FM bird was AO-40.

I'd like to avoid the futility of the FM LEO's on FD, and look to the
working passband birds, which I understand are AO-7, FO-29, and VO-52.

I have at my disposal a FT-847, an Arrow satellite antenna (V/U), and if
various preamps and poweramps for 2m and 432, as well as antennas with
more elements.

I also have a Ten Tec 2510 satellite unit that does not have the "extra
crystal board",
which I understand makes it a non-starter for the 3 birds I mentioned.

For those of you experienced with the bandpass birds, assuming an
clear sky access location, what should I bring? (i.e. will the FT-847
stock amp be sufficient?
How many elements do I need for uplink? pre-amp for downlink? etc)

I also may only be able to work overnight (in darkness) -- that rules
out AO-7, correct?

Bill W1PA
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