This is the link to the system I described in the earlier email


El 07/08/13 19:01, Ing. Pavel Milanes Costa escribió:
Yes, me to...

I do have a old Japanese tracking camera mounting also with 24 AC motors
here...  360 degrees azimuth with stop switch on 0 and 360 degrees and
about 0 to 120 degrees of elevation (0 ~ horizon, 90 ~cenit)

Pretty good construction, a ham here in Havana have one the uses to move
2 phased yaguis of 5 elements for 2m... the brake system is primitive
but works fine...

Pointing is by eye and as in your case no means of feedback... recently
after completing some TODO-IN-THE-FUTURE projects with Jal/JalLib (Just
Another Language and libs for PIC devices) and pics I get hands on this

A couple o months or so (maybe more) there was a thread on the list
about this...

I find the arduino project from K3NG, but no arduino here, only
Microchip PIC (PIC18F4520) so I have to re-invent the wheel...

I was thinking on gray encoding the position with 7 bits, but this is A
LOT of cables to run..

Then I see on the specs of the arduino a feedback mechanism of pulse
counting...  and find on the internet a project from a polish? ham that
uses this mechanism wit a ATMEGA MCU but with a trick... (I have the
link on my work place... link will be tomorrow)

I explain, he uses several magnets glued on the edge of an intermediate
gear in the reduction mechanism... then get a magnetic switch (or a hal
sensing device if you like) close to the edge where the magnets are...

This mechanism do about 500+ pulses for each 360 degrees... pretty neat
an simple... with only 2 cables...

The only thing is you have to reset the mechanical position of the
antennas at each power-on to reset the internal count in the
pic/arduino/atmega MCU...

I'm on the ideas-on-the-boad part of this project for making it 450
degrees instead of only 360 and how to deal in software with the 0 to 90
degrees restriction on the elevation part...

Just another idea to the brain storm...

73 de CO7WT.

PS: control will be serial emulating a  RS232B protocol from Yaesu...

El 07/08/13 09:58, Zach Leffke escribió:
Hello Everyone,

                 I recently came into possession of a Pelco PT170-24P
tracking pan tilt pedestal designed to support large security
cameras.  My
intent with this new acquisition is to repurpose it as a "low cost"
(got it
on Ebay for ~$75 + S&H) alternative for an antenna tracking pedestal for
amateur satellites.  It uses 24VAC induction motors to move the
azimuth and
elevation assemblies, pretty much just like the G5500s that I'm sure
so many
of us are familiar with.  It definitely cannot support the same amount of
weight as the G5500, but I'm looking to construct a small, portable
satellite ground station node and this thing is plenty beefy enough to
handle a couple of Arrow style antennas.  Here is the problem, it
absolutely no feedback.

My question to the group is does anyone know of a non-mechanical
method for
getting relatively accurate feedback for azimuth and elevation.  I'm
for an all electronic means that I can mount somewhere outside of the
pedestal assembly (like perhaps on the cross-boom) that will be able to
provide measurement of the az/el (or pan/tilt, or yaw/pitch, whatever you
want to call it) position.  I'm using an arduino microcontroller for the
tracking controller.  Originally I intended to find a way to mount
potentiometers in inside the unit and simply use the ADCs on the
arduino to
read the position feedback voltage from the pots, however, there is
enough space to mount an elevation feedback pot inside the unit, and
is virtually no space for an azimuth feedback pot.  Hence I'm looking
for a
non-mechanical method.

My first thoughts for the elevation feedback was to use the old
potentiometer plus nice heavy weight method mounted out on the boom.
idea doesn't appeal to me very much as other factors can now affect the
position feedback (such as high winds).  I then thought of something
the lines of an accelerometer.  I also tossed around the idea of a 2-axis
gyro for both Az/El.  My issue is I have limited experience working with
these types of sensors, and was hoping to get advice from everyone in
group.  I know for example that the gyro will provide rate of motion
an axis and thus I have to integrate over time to get the actual
This becomes cumbersome because now I have to keep track of time in the
Arduino while executing movement commands (certainly do-able, just more
complicated than reading an ADC voltage).  Additionally, I believe these
devices suffer from drift and require frequent calibration (although
may be a scheme of starting from a known position, say at one of the
switch contact points, for each pass that might work).  I also toyed with
the idea of an electric compass for azimuth feedback, but I'm worried
distortion of the magnetic field near the pedestal due to the AC
motors or when the antennas are radiating.  In theory the motors are
inside the metal pedestal enclosure and thus are shielded from the
world, but I can just see it now, nice steady feedback when the
pedestal is
stopped and as soon as I execute a motion command the azimuth feedback
starts dancing all over the place.  Since the motion stop command is
on achieving the target position, system instability is sure to
occur.  Even
if I solve the AC motor EMI problem, I still worry that when transmitting
the fields could potentially be distorted if near the antenna
(remember my
goal is a compact design) and taint the position feedback.

Any ideas from the group would be greatly appreciated.  I'm looking for a
"sparkfun" type solution here and if anyone has experience working with
accelerometers, gyros, electric compasses, etc. I would love your
advice on
which might be the way to go for the position feedback.  If you think
hit on a good idea above and should go with it please let me know.  Again
I'm using an Arduino, so analog voltage feedback, I2C, SPI, and UART
are all on the table for communicating with the sensors to get the

Thanks in advance!


Zach, KJ4QLP

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