John, it's not just the west coast... There is one in the middle of the US that 
does about the same thing. On the linear birds, he calls over top of others who 
are already trying tomake a call. And he also tends to act like a 'grid traffic 
controller' on SO-50 with unnecessary chatter. Especially on SO-50, one needs 
to be as brief as possible and get off... it's common courtesy. Personally, 
I've quit the birds for a while... no need to put up with such nonsense, ham 
radio is supposed to be fun. I have some recently purchased antennas, preamps 
and an AZ-EL rotor in the closet. I was anxious to get them up this fall, but 
now I think I might wait until spring and see how things are. Maybe I will see 
you then. =^)  Just wanted to let you know, it's not just you.

Good luck on the weak signal work. As for me... I'm plan to work on some 
radials for new verticals and invest my time in chasing DX on HF and 160m.  73! 

From: John - VE7JZ
My daughter, who is a new ham has just given up on trying SO-50. 5 times now 
she has set up the station to work someone and the moment she unkeys, there is 
someone calling and not listening. We here, have a TS-2000 with az-el setup and 
2 yagis with auto tracking. I totally agree with the comments here on this 
subject of wild west operations on SO-50.  It is out of control. Here on the 
wet coast there is a WA6 ( wont say his call here ) every day that is 
constantly either ruining qso's or using way too much power and wiping out 
transponders completely. And if you call this LID, he either cannot hear you or 
ignores you and continues his ignorant disregard for other users so HE can get 
HIS contacts and to heck with anyone else. A constant and rather rude 
transponder HOG that is on almost every pass of every voice satellite. So as of 
today, we (my daughter and I) will go back to weak signal work and drop off 
satellite use until these LIDS either disappear or something. Our 2 cents 
worth.  Everyone have a great day wherever you might 
be. 73.
"Control is the need of the fearful mind. Trust is the need of the courageous 
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