I did the same... I worked the the FM sats. I started with a IC 821 until it crapped out on me. I was on AO40 and it worked well until the radio went south. I got a IC910H and I already had SatPC32 so the two worked very well together. I have a second IC910H that I use for terrestrial comms. I have a 23cm module
 in the first one.
I have been having a great time working FO29, VO52, AO7 and SO50.
SatPC32 does great in controlling the radio and rotor.

AMSAT Area Coordinator Alaska
On 9/18/2013 12:31 PM, Les Rayburn wrote:
Like many hams (I suspect), I dreamed of working satellites for decades. Followed them with at least a passing interest but always seemed to put them off till "someday". Even during the craze of the "work satellites with your handheld", I was distracted by other priorities. When I got involved in VHF/UHF a few years ago, and purchased an Icom IC-910H, I kept thinking I'd finally pull the trigger. But years passed without anything other than weak-signal contacts being made on that rig.

A few months ago, I finally decided to give it a try. Downloaded SATPC32, and updated my keps. FO-29 was the next satellite coming my way, so when I was inside the footprint, I tuned around a bit, and found some stations coming in. Cool! I was actually hearing hams on satellite---next up was answering a CQ...nervously I pushed the PTT on the mic.

82 grids and a few hundred contacts later, I'm having a ball!

I don't miss the birds that came before, but just enjoy what we have now. My only complaint might be that more folks are not active on F0-29 and VO-52. Even SO-50 can be nearly empty after midnight.

My understanding is that within the next year we'll have 2 or 3 more linear LEO satellites, and possibly another FM bird, right? While we may not work a lot of DX on those, we should get to the point where no one has to wait long for "something" to be overhead. That's exciting to me!

AMSAT is staffed with wonderful volunteers, and seems to be doing great work. I'm thrilled to be a member, even if it is #38965.

The good ole days are now. Get on the birds and make some contacts. I need your grid! (ha, ha)

Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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