I very rarely post anything to this reflector, but I have a question that maybe someone has already has done and has answers.

Shortly Elecraft will be offering a 2m module for its popular new SDR radio, the KX3. This will provide 2m multi-mode operation using this nice little HF/6m radio.

Some years ago I sold my old satellite radios (FT-847 & FT-817) so am looking into a two radio configuration for cross-band duplex satellite operation. I have a K3 with 435-437 transmit capability using a Down East Microwave transverter and would be able to receive on 145 using the new KX3-2M combo. (I also still have my s-band downconverter and L-band up converter for if/when these bands are activated).

What is unknown is if there is any sw support of the Elecraft radios on any satellite tracking sw? I am primarily interested in SSB thru transponders so frequency tracking under sw control would be "nice". I have both NOVA and SatPC32. I have a tracking interface to control antenna tracking using a B5400 Yaesu az-el rotator. Both these radios have computer control ports.

73, Ed - KL7UW
"Kits made by KL7UW"
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