Oops...I just checked again.  Looks like DNEPR OBJECT AE is now in *both*
amateur.txt and in cubesat.txt.  I'll update amateur and see if I get it.


Burns W2BFJ

On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Alan <wa4...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Burns,
> There are two issues here, groups and source files.  In this case, the
> groups are a part of SatPC32.
> They have names like Standard, Diverse, NOAA, etc.  The newest version of
> SatPC32 allows you to create
> your own group names.
> Then there are the source files from CelesTrak which group satellites by
> function.  The CelesTrak
> groupings are things like amateur.txt, cubesat.txt, noaa.txt, and
> tle-new.txt for launches in the
> preceding 30 days.  For instance, after launch AO-73 was in the tle-new
> file at first, and either has
> or will soon be moved to the amateur.txt file.  Note the amsat.all file is
> created by merging the data
> from several source into ones which are of interest specifically to hams.
>  In one sense, that is the
> most convenient, but unlike the Trak files it is only updated weekly.
> Now, in SatPC32 you can assign a source file to a group.  For instance,
> amateur.txt to Standard,
> tle-new.txt to Diverse, etc.  One and only one source, though there are
> manual ways to merge them.
> You only need to do this assignment once.  So assume you have assigned the
> tle-new.txt to Diverse, and
> then selected the satellites you want, including AO-73.  To get AO-73 you
> select Satellites, then
> Groups, then Diverse and OK it, and you will then have AO-73 and whatever
> other new satellites
> displayed.  Since Diverse is not the default group, you will need to
> select the group once each time
> you start SatPC32, but not the source file.  Note that when AO-73 moves to
> amateur.txt, it will
> autmatically become available in the Standard list, assuming you have
> assigned amateur.txt as the
> Standard source file.
> 73s,
> Alan
> <-----Original Message-----
> <From: amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org
> <[mailto:amsat-bb-boun...@amsat.org] On Behalf Of Burns Fisher
> <Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:08 PM
> <Subject: [amsat-bb] Help with SATPC32 (maybe groups) please
> <
> <Hi Everyone,
> <
> <I've used SatPC32 for a number of years, but I have been using it in
> <"simpleton" mode, it would seem.  Now that AO-73 is in the
> <"cubesat.txt"
> <keps file rather than amateur, I apparently have to take the
> <next step in
> <my education about this program.
> <
> <Here the current general question:  How do "groups" work.  I
> <have googled,
> <and the term seems to be used both for Celestrak groups and
> <for the groups
> <in SatPC32 (e.g. Diverse, Standard, etc).  I mean the SatPC32
> <groups.  What
> <I want to do is to have a number of satellites selectable with
> <the A,B,C...
> <buttons in the lower right.  But right now, I have to pull down the
> <satellites menu and select "cubesat.txt" to get AO-73 and
> <"amateur.txt" to
> <get, say, VO-52 and SO-50.  And whenever I switch to a new
> <keps file, all
> <the satellites I have selected as current for the previous
> <file disappear
> <from the right column.
> <
> <Somehow, I suspect that 'groups' are the answer to this, but I
> <can never
> <get the "edit" function under groups to do anything terribly
> <useful.  It
> <looks like I can edit "standard", for example, so that if
> <selected, it uses
> <the satellites selected from amateur.txt or cubesat.txt but not both.
> <
> <Ok, so when I get into a pickle like this, it is usually
> <because I don't
> <understand the concept or the model that the program is using.
> < So rather
> <than (or as well as) "click x, select y, edit xxx.txt" the
> <kind of help I
> <hope I can get would be include "how are groups supposed to be
> <used?"  And
> <by the way, I have read the manual, and it again seems to assume that I
> <know what groups are supposed to be.
> <
> <Thanks in advance,
> <
> <Burns, W2BFJ
> <_______________________________________________
> <Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of
> <the author.
> <Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur
> <satellite program!
> <Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
> <
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