Hello Rupesh,

> Even though we try to digipeat and data is transmitted, we 
> are not able to receive data on the software screen. whenever 
> we have a pass of ISS some signals are detected and a receiving 
> led glows even in squelch on.

The new ARISS web pages at http://www.ariss.org are one place to find
more information. Select the 'Contact the ISS' link in the top row.
This brings you to a page which describes all of the ARISS amateur
radio modes. There is a section on this page titled "Packet

AGWPE only passes the packets that have the correct checksum.
Otherwise you will not see the packet displayed via UISS even though
it sounds like a good signal. 

I am not at all familiar with the operation of the TS-2000 internal
modem. If it operates in a mode similar to other TNC-2 configurations
you might be able to see non-checksum-computed packets using the TNC's
PASSALL command. In this configuration you would not be using AGWPE.
Packets received with PASSALL = ON contain the good characters and
erroneous characters - but it is often good enough for humans to
understand the content.

Both types of packet operation, hardware TNC and soundcard modem, are
discussed in a link in the ARISS.org's packet operations section.

The only amateur radio presently in operation on the ISS is the
Ericsson HT. The 5 watt downlink and shadowing from the spacecraft
structure (depending on the orientation of the ISS) leads to varying
signal strengths at the ground station.

A real-time packet log of the 145.825 ARISS signals that have been
satgated displays at http://www.ariss.net which is a different page
from the ariss.org page I mentioned. If there are no satgate stations
near you in India then this may not show much except to gauge prior
packet activity on orbits approaching your QTH.

Hope this helps some ...
73 de JoAnne K9JKM
Editor, AMSAT Journal

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