Some of the cheap DVB dongles will definitely work to receive the
telemetry from AO-73. You will probably be able to hear conversations
on the transponder in the evening too depending on your antenna. AO-73
has a strong signal. You will probably be able to hear the transponder
downlink from VO-52 as well.

Check out N4JTC's blog post about how to do it:


Paul Stoetzer, N8HM
Washington, DC

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Todd Bloomingdale
<> wrote:
> Ok. Yes Sorry was typing my phone. Yes I was talking about SSB. I have an
> HF all mode, but don't have 2 meter or 70 cm on that radio. I have a couple
>  FM baofengs HT's. So guess I use them for SO-50. Ive been doing some
> reading and thinking of getting a USB dongle. Ive been reading on the
> funcube dongles, but not in my budget right not, but was looking at these
> cheap dongles. Will they work for AO-73 and other satellites?
> Todd Bloomingdale- KC9LOX
> Tomah, WI
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Patrick STODDARD <>wrote:
>> Todd,
>> If you were meaning to type SSB for the type of signals
>> transmitted from AO-73, then yes - you will need a radio
>> capable of SSB reception to copy anything from AO-73 -
>> telemetry or transponder.  If you have access to a
>> Kenwood TH-F6A HT, this radio has an all-mode receiver
>> which may be sufficient for copying the telemetry and
>> the transponder from AO-73.  For the telemetry, you would
>> patch the speaker audio from the radio into the mic jack
>> on a PC running the FUNcube Dashboard software from the
>> web site, and set the radio around
>> 145.935 MHz USB (probably start closer to 145.938 MHz
>> at the start of a pass, and end up around 145.932 MHz
>> near the end of the pass).  Make sure the radio you use
>> has small tuning steps, and be ready to tune down during
>> the pass.
>> The daytime passes are the easiest to copy telemetry, as
>> the transponder is off at that time.  The telemetry is still
>> on at night, but at 1/10 the power level that is used for
>> the daytime passes (30mW downlink at night, compared to 300mW
>> in daylight) to allow for the transponder to operate.  The
>> transponder transmits at 300mW across its 20 kHz passband,
>> betwen 145.950 and 145.970 MHz - use USB for best performance
>> when listening to the transponder.  You can see some slideshow
>> videos of me working the AO-73 transponder, using different
>> radios as the receiver, on my YouTube channel:
>> Hope that helps.  73!
>> Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK
>> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Todd Bloomingdale <
>>> wrote:
>>> I'm interested in trying to receive the AO-73 telemetry. Currently, I'm
>>> not
>>> able to SB, so I know that the transponder is out of question for me. But
>>> is a SB radio needed for the telemetry?
>>> Todd Bloomingdale- KC9LOX
>>> Tomah, WI
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